January 13, 2021 3:00PM – Chris Griffith, Nada Montgomery & Don Covington Explain This “Little” Instrument with the BIG Sound
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Over 40 Windjammers learned about the Piccolo and it’s role in circus music at todays outstanding session. Chris Griffith (WJU #3791) articulated the differences between several piccolos explaining that the D♭ instrument was produced in the early 20th Century and for which John Phillip Sousa wrote The Stars and Stripes Forever solo. President Don Covington (WJU #119) provided a circus history and context for the use of piccolos and their uniqueness in the repertoire.

Chris Explains the Instrument
Nada Montgomery (WJU #1958), performer extraordinaire was featured along with Chris in a Windjammer duet of Two Little Butterflies performed with the Windjammers Unlimited Concert Band in 2015. And perhaps the highlight for those players was their participation in a play-a-long of several pieces during the clinic.
BRAVO Chris, Nada and Don… and thanks for sharing your knowledge and talent with the group!
Members who login can enjoy the Flute Clinic and all the other events of the 2021 Windjammers Virtual Convention by clicking here.