Windjammers Unlimited, celebrating fifty years, hosted a virtual event for members via Zoom on March 25. Video of the presentation is available in the “For Members Only” section of the WJU website. CLICK HERE TO GO TO EVENT PAGE.
The event kicked off with a presentation by Peter Shrake, archivist at Circus World Museum in Baraboo, WI, relative to the circus music artifacts held by the museum. Shrake is also Director of the Robert L. Parkinson Library and Research Center, which is the foremost research facility for circus history. Library documents go back to 1793 when John Bill Ricketts opened the first American circus. The library contains a huge collection of rare photographs, posters, manuscripts and artifacts. Peter will be highlighting holdings that are related to circus music.

Following Peter’s presentation, there was a showing of Webmaster Andy Rawls’ professionally-edited video featuring excerpts from the 2016 WJU Summer Meet in Baraboo, including a band concert and a demonstration of unusual instruments in the museum including sleigh bells, bamboo chimes, calliope, pump organ, tuned rods, and bells.

There was also a premiere of more WJU Virtual Recording Band videos.

All 50th Anniversary presentations are free to WJU members. Sign up on the website.
May all your days be circus days!
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