By becoming a Member of or Subscriber to any services provided by WJU, you acknowledge, accept and agree to abide by the terms of the Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions of Use, ByLaws, Rules and Regulations and all other related policies and procedures of WJU as may be adopted by WJU or its Officers. Furthermore, as a Member or Subscriber, you acknowledge receipt of the following statement which by your use, membership or subscription will serve as electronic signature, if not otherwise provided, indicating your agreement with these statements:
“I have provided my/our email address(es) and authorize its/their use by Windjammers Unlimited, Inc. (“WJU”) for contacting me/us in the normal course of WJU business and for establishing the individual and unique online access Member credentials to the WJU website. By registering, joining or otherwise participating with WJU I hereby acknowledge that my likeness in any form may be used for any reasonable and lawful business purpose by WJU and its authorized parties. I further agree that my participation and/or performance in any event or band is for the express use of WJU for any lawful purpose. I agree to release and hold harmless WJU, its officers, trustees, agents, representatives, assignees and successors, in perpetuity, from any claim for any reason including but not limited to compensation, rights of ownership, performance rights, etc. I also grant without recourse and acknowledge WJU’s exclusive right to use any resultant recording in any media or form for any lawful and reasonable business purpose, including but not limited to sale, promotion, advertising, press releases, website and other publications.”
Updated 05/16/2020.