Welcome to WJU’s PRESERVATION content. The collection of materials is continuously building in volume over time and much of it will not be available online due to its fragile nature. But, we strive to make as much as possible readily available to our Members having an interest in the music and its history. Enjoy!

Circus Music Recordings
This section includes the actual music performed by specific circus bands and bandleaders at designated concert, circus, or studio performances. It includes mp3 copies of actual recordings of many pieces, organized by Circus, Year and/or Label. Access to the recordings is restricted to Members.
Circus Music Programs
This reference will allow Members to see, for example, what was on the play list for the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus in 1950. This information is provided via PDFs of articles that have been published in the Windjammers Unlimited Circus Fanfares 1971 to date. These materials are only accessible to Members. However, anyone can see the index of what is available.
WJU Recordings
Since its founding in 1971, Windjammers members have participated in “Play and Record” sessions, typically playing 60 or more traditional circus tunes at each event. Further, there have been many live performance for the public that were also recorded, although the quality in some cases is not the best. Over the years, members have recorded the WJU bands, starting in the early years with reel-tape recorders, then cassette, then CD, and now digital devices. This section provides a source for some of those recordings. Access is restricted to those who are current members.
Included here is a growing list of brief commentaries about various circus tunes and their composers. It is in the interest of education that we provide this list, and it is made available for public access. For the most part, this information has been published in Circus Fanfares. It will continue to grow with each new Fanfare publication.

Want to help?
WJU needs YOUR active participation and help. We need archivists and technologist with the skills to establish formal libraries and “containers” for electronic storage and retrieval system. Have the skills, desire, and time to do some of the work or even guide our process? Let us know! Perhaps you would like to write some of the Education “snippets” mentioned above. Or do you have historic circus music recordings you would like to preserve on this website?
What’s on the drawing board?
WJU Historical Compendium – an index of historical events of Windjammers Unlimited, including Officers & Trustees, Conventions & Meets, Hall of Fame Laureates & Meritorious Service Award recipients, Circus Fanfare Index and other goodies. This “Historical Compendium” is the authoritative reference and provides an easy to use snapshot of WJU from 1971-2019.